Looking for something flexible? Use our part time plan how it works best for your business: come in every day for a week, or spread it out over the whole month.
Are you ready to create with us?
We’ve got an unmistakable vibe and you’re going to want in on it. We are the only hub in town that’s with a community embracing an environment promoting wellness and sustainability. Your environment shapes who you are. Maybe you haven’t realized that, but where you work really does matter!
Surrounding yourself with smart, dedicated, and hard-working people provides you a built-in resource for tackling any challenges you might be facing with your business. Inevitably, someone else has probably already faced (and conquered) a similar obstacle and turned it on its head into opportunity. It's always worthwhile to have a support network that can remind you of that.
Working together in a shared space offers more than just a chance meeting and exchanging of business cards. At Wellworth, you can maximize interaction as much or as little as you prefer. Coworking innately takes networking to the next level. This isn't something you can experience by working from home. Join us at Wellworth and be inspired to create!

Guaranteed workspace

Business hour access (8am-5pm)

Meeting room discounts available

Gourmet coffee

1G Wifi

50 free B&W copies per month

Rooftop patio access